The Golf Swing Speed Challenge Review 2018

The Golf Swing Speed Challenge Review 2018

      The Golf Swing Speed Challenge was designed by Alex Gairdner. Alex is a British sports scientist who designed this program to help himself to increase his swing speed. Alex has a lot of letters after his name (i.e. BSc(Hons) Physio, Acup. ACP, BSc(Hons) SpSc) I'm not sure what they all mean, but it appears he has a lot of credentials to design a sports fitness program.

But the thing I like about this is that Alex doesn't only walk the walk but he talks the terms of results.

Alex has said that he created this program to help himself swing faster, and then he videod his swing speed before he started it and found his swing speed was 93.8 mph. Then 56 days after completing the program he retested his swing speed and found that his swing speed was then 114 mph.

As Alex reminds us, for every 1 mph of swing speed increase a golfer gains about 2 - 2.5 yards. Alex has used 2.2 yards to workout that he gained 44.3 yards in distance.

Now that's impressive distance gains in just 56 days!

After learning about Alex's personal distance gains I wanted to take this golf swing speed challenge for myself. When I did I found the exercises very easy to do, in terms of what they were. There's no complicated exercises and you can do them all at home.

To be honest, because I hadn't worked out in a while I found the exercises a bit tough on my body at first, but as I kept doing them it got easier and easier and I started to feel great. And really, I can't fault the challenge there... it's a good way to get me exercising regularly again.

I personally thought it was great how you could do all the exercises at home and you didn't need to buy expensive equipment.

All the way through the challenge I was checking my swing speed and at first I didn't notice any improvement, which I think was because my body was adjusting. Then after a couple of weeks I noticed about a 5 mph improvement and then I kept on getting faster and faster until at the end of the program I had a 14 mph improvement. That works out to be 30 yards added to my shots.

This has made golf so much more fun for me. I'm back to hitting par 5's in two and getting a lot closer to the green on par 4's. But one of the biggest benefits of going through this program is my swing feels so much easier. Even though I'm swinging faster it feels easier. Also I don't feel in pain anymore when I'm swinging. And I'm swinging about 80 - 90% on my driver swing so it's the same as I was swinging before, but it's so much faster now.

I have done many other things to try to improve my swing speed like yoga, static stretches etc. but none of those things helped increase my swing speed. After doing this the results speak for themselves. So if you want to hit the ball further I can't recommend this highly enough. To learn more, visit here

Overall Opinion: Highly Recommended


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