Get it in: Discover How A Simple Action Can Turn Your Life From Normal To Extra-MILLION-nary Your brain is far more capable than you think. All along, the human race has been led to believe that we can achieve anything we want if we never give up. Smarter. Richer. Happier. Land that dream job. Retire early. Well, guess what? I was one of those guys who would work, and work, and keep telling myself POSITIVE VIBES only. Did all that positive-affirmation thing make me smarter, richer, or happier? No. It just made me look like an idiot in a suit. And worse, it made me seem like a bad manager who couldn't care less or relate to my subordinates who are facing hardships. The big blow came when I got laid off and my fiance left me. That’s when I realize that no matter how much I think I am in control of my actions, beliefs, and my faith, I have no control over my instincts, my sixth-sense, my deepest fears, my gut feeling. Have you felt like no mat...
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