How to Get Your Ex-boyfriend Back Really Fast - Get your ex back fast

Well, you can wipe those tears and put on a smile because we have a brilliant idea about how you can not only get your ex-boyfriend back quickly but one that will have you evaluating your relationship so that when and if he comes back, you will be able to deal with your emotions effectively.

Step 1
Stop feeling sorry for yourself, especially if he or his friends can witness you pining over him. Crying is the last thing you want to do anyway – what you should be doing instead is using this time to craft your plan to get back your boyfriend. And make sure you are implementing patience!

But how do you stop crying? Here’s a tip or two. Watch funny movies. Really, it works! Try it and see how long you can stay teary-eyed watching Adam Sandler or Chris Rock acting the fool on your TV screen. If funny movies aren’t your thing, then just watch a full comedy show of your choice. We guarantee you’d be cracking up and tearless by the first few minutes.

Seriously, laughter is a good remedy for heartbreak. Researchers at the University of Maryland even looked into it and realized that people laughed their blood flow increased and this improved the function of the blood vessels. These results made the subjects’ bodies feel more relaxed, so it’s proven that when you laugh you’ll be less stressed about wanting to get your ex-boyfriend back fast.

Step 2
Ignore him. We repeat, ignore him. Do not call him, text him, skype him, stalk him or ask him. Ok, let’s explain why you shouldn’t. Whether you contact him yourself or ask his friends and family about him, he is going to know that you are unable to survive without him, and that can be a huge turnoff to him. Men hate clingy, so don’t subject yourself to potential insults or ridicule. If he is not turned off, then your contacting him could be a huge ego trip for him, and he’ll be thumping his chest about his power over you. You deserve better than that.

One very popular relationship expert has identified that men are not very good at giving explanations as to why they left their partner broken-hearted. Some don’t even want to give any explanation. So what do they do? They do not reach out even though they know their ex-partner might be in very bad shape emotionally. In fact, that’s the reason they do not want to talk to them in the first place – they just don’t want to deal with the guilt and stress of the situation.
Step 3
Wait. Yes, play the waiting game. It’s an important part of a relationship that you need to implement when not in one (I know, confusing). We assure you that he’s doing that, too. He’s waiting for your call, your skype, your text message or that email from you, pouring your heart out about how much you’d like to get your ex-boyfriend back. Waiting has two merits. The first is that you do not give him the upper hand by begging him to change his mind. The second is that it gives you the chance to actually be quiet in yourself and feel the pain and distress you are going through. What is it doing to your body? What is it doing to your mind? Does it make you feel angry? Does it make you feel helpless? We strongly recommend jotting down what you are feeling on a piece of paper. Then, ask yourself these questions: Why do I feel all those things? And is it really as unbearable as I think it is? Do I really need him to make me feel better? To validate my life? Can anyone but me do that?
Step 4

Now that you’ve cleared your head a little you’d probably start realizing that you really might not need to get your ex-boyfriend back fast, after all. Perhaps the relationship was good while it lasted and he was the right one for you at that particular time in your life. Perhaps it wasn’t meant to last forever and the relationship just died a natural death. Perhaps your ex-boyfriend left you long after the relationship had no more life in it. It could be all those things, of it could be that life will bring him right back to you asking you to give it another try. But you know what, at that point, you would have had the time to go through all the previous steps to evaluate how you feel about him and how you see you and him being together – or not. Once you do get him back, you will need to learn how to use communication to keep him.


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