Get Ready for a Bible-Reading Program that Will Knock Your Socks Off

Every Bible Event Is Arranged as It Happened – in Sequence – in Order
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You will start in Genesis – and end in Revelation – but in between will not be anything like the way you have ever read the Bible before. One event will unfold after another – they will all be in the order in which they occurred. All of the Psalms will be placed historically, the Proverbs, the Prophets – everything! And just like a novel concludes with the climax, so will the Bible.

Every day, you’ll read from the Old Testament and the New Testament.
In January, you’re going to read about Adam, Abraham, and Job. You’ll read the saga of Jacob and Joseph. You’ll read about the birth of Christ, His youth, and the beginning of His ministry.
In February, Moses will lead the Israelites out of Egypt in the Exodus and God will begin giving the Law to His chosen people. Jesus will select His 12 disciples and begin training them for their lifetime of service.
In March, you will see the preparations for the Tabernacle and then, the actual construction of it. You’ll learn all about the offerings and Israel’s religious observances. Jesus will feed 5,000, then 4,000 – and He will be transfigured on the mountain.
In April, Israel will begin preparations to enter the promised land, and will take it under the leadership of Joshua. Jesus will teach about the Prodigal Son – and Lazarus will be raised from the dead.
In May, the Judges will rule the land and you’ll read about Samson and Samuel. David will have an interesting meeting with Goliath! The world’s greatest act of evil will occur as Judas betrays the Son of Man with a kiss!
In June, King Saul will hunt David like a wild animal, and David will experience his greatest moral failure. Jesus will perform the world’s greatest act of love as He gives Himself up to die on a cross.
In July, you’ll read about Solomon as the king of Israel and watch his magnificent building program, including Israel’s first Temple. Saul of Tarsus will meet the Lord on the Damascus Road and become Paul, and his missionary journeys will begin.
In August, Israel breaks up as a nation and Elijah battles King Ahab (and his wicked wife, Jezebel). You’ll hear from Joel, Hosea, Jonah, and Isaiah. We’ll take up 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians in the New Testament.
In September, Hezekiah brings revival to the southern nation of Judah and the northern nation of Israel falls to Assyria. We are treated to one of Paul’s finest works, the book of Romans, and Paul is warned not to take a planned trip to Israel.
In October, we read the writings of Jeremiah and begin reading about Daniel. We see Ezekiel in a far-away country, Babylon. Paul is arrested in Jerusalem and spends 2 years imprisoned in Caesarea, meeting Festus, Felix, and Agrippa. He is sent to Rome and begins writing his “prison” epistles.
In November, Jeremiah battles the religious leaders and the nation of Judah falls to Babylon. In Lamentations, Jeremiah weeps over the city of Jerusalem. We hear from Jude and Peter and read the final words of Paul. We are treated to the exquisite book of Hebrews.
In December, Israel returns from Captivity and secures the land under Ezra and Nehemiah. We’ll hear from Zechariah and Malachi. We are treated to John’s epistles and to the marvelous scenes from the book of Revelation. >>Click Here


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