What Are Negative Calorie Foods? 5 Negative Calorie Fruits You Should Have Today

Weight Loss: What Are Negative Calorie Foods? 5 Negative Calorie Fruits You Should Have Today
What Are Negative Calorie Foods?

Negative calorie foods are foods with exceptionally low calories. According to the theory of negative calorie foods, in digesting these foods, our system ends up expending so many calories that it exceeds the inherent calorie count of the food itself; therefore, nullifying the calorie load. According to some researchers, it is unlikely to ingest a food without it hampering your calorie count, but what most of them do agree with is that these low calorie foods are excellent addition to a healthy diet. In addition to being low in calories, they comprise a range of antioxidants, fibre and minerals.

Here Are Some Negative Calorie Fruits You Must Add To Your Weight Loss Diet Today:

1.Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, mulberries and all other form of berries are incredibly effective in facilitating your weight loss diet. You can use them in salads or as toppings to your cereals, oats. Have as many different coloured berries as you can, for all of them come loaded with a different range of antioxidants.

2. Grapefruits: Citrusy and ever-so delightful, grapefruit is very low in calories and packed with fibre and vitamin C. Grapefruit is extremely low in carbs, which makes it a healthy pick for diabetics too.

3. Tomatoes: Juicy, red and tangy tomatoes are an excellent bet for weight loss. Hundred grams of tomatoes contain just about 18 calories. They can naturally fire up metabolism because of the antioxidant lycopene. Tomatoes also encourage the production of the amino acid called Carnitine, which plays a crucial role in regulating energy metabolism too. Moreover, tomatoes are high in fibre, which helps prevent cravings.

4. Watermelon: The summer fruit is all water and nutrients! Hundred grams of watermelon contains 30 calories only. About 94 percent of watermelon is just water, which helps fill you up. If you are feeling full, you would naturally have a lesser tendency to inch towards anything fattening.

5. Apples: An apple a day could help keep excess calories at bay. Apples are abundantly loaded with pectin fibre that helps lower body's absorption of excess dietary fats. Fibre also takes time to breakdown and digest, giving you the feeling of fullness.

Here are some good weight loss programs, completely natural.
   1 - No Nonsense Ted
But once you learn Ted's trick, you can instantly switch your body from “fat storage” mode into fat BURNING mode...so that you melt off pounds and stubborn flab, even while you sleep.

 2 - The 1 Week Diet
There’s just a better way to drop the pounds and it doesn’t involve heavy cardio.  It’s actually possible to lose weight without hard exercising and without dramatically changing your lifestyle.
If you’re looking for an innovative and proven way to drop a few pounds, then click this link and check out a free video that explains how it’s possible to lose up to a pound a day without starvation, mind-numbing cardio or pumping iron 2 hours a day.

 3 - Red Tea Detox
The Red Tea Detox is a brand-new cleansing program that detoxifies the body and sheds pounds quickly and safely. It allows almost anyone to lose 14lbs in just 14 days.

  4 -  The 2 Week Diet
Being that The 2 Week Diet helps dieters lose weight in an even shorter amount of time, you can expect it to be even more successful than The 3 Week Diet.

  5 - Flat Belly Detox
Once you’ve entered in your information, you’ll get instant access to the entire Flat Belly Detox system, that includes…
The “instant energy” on the go recipe….
To the morning trick to TRIPLE your fat-burning overnight…
The slimming soup detox diet…
The 4-minute low-impact fat-burning burst follow along videos…


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