
Showing posts from January, 2019

7 Of the oddest weight-loss schemes of the past were also unhealthy

 Here are seven of the strangest — and often unhealthy — strategies for getting thin. 1. Smoking instead of snacking. A 1928 advertisement for Lucky Strike cigarettes said, “Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet,” until the confection industry threatened legal action. In 1930, the ad was rewritten to say, “We do not represent that smoking Lucky Strike Cigarettes will bring modern figures or cause the reduction of flesh. 2. Speed pills to suppress your appetite. Amphetamines were first prescribed after World War II. They generally were discontinued in 1979 when addiction and the potential for abuse became better known. Amphetamines were used on the battlefields during the war to help sleep-deprived soldiers stay awake and alert. 3. A diet ‘candy’ with an unfortunate name. Then there was Ayds, a fudgelike candy that was designed to be taken before meals as an appetite suppressant. First introduced in the 1950s, Ayds grew in popularity for the next 20 years. 4. All junk fo...

Diet to save the planet "The most funny title"

It's a snooze-inducing title, but the report itself is a fascinating and important piece of work. It's the first time an attempt has been made to come up with a diet for the world that not only keeps people healthy, but also allows for nothing less than the survival of the planet. It's the work of 37 experts from 16 countries. The way we've been eating and producing food for the past 50 years is no longer sustainable they say, nor is it giving us the nutrition we need, with obesity and malnutrition existing alongside widespread environmental degradation. "We can no longer feed our population a healthy diet while balancing planetary resources," writes Lancet editor Tamara Lucas. "For the first time in 200,000 years of human history, we are severely out of synchronisation with the planet and nature." This crisis, she says, is "stretching earth to its limits and threatening human and other species' sustained existence". Yikes. Th...

Climate-Friendly Diets Are Also Healthier - University of Michigan (UM) and Tulane University

After examining the carbon footprint of what more than 16,000 Americans eat in a day, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan (UM) and Tulane University shows that more climate-friendly diets are also healthier. The researchers ranked diets by the amount of greenhouse gas emissions per 1,000 calories consumed and divided them into five equal groups. Then they rated the nutritional value of foods consumed in each diet using the U.S. Healthy Eating Index, a federal measure of diet quality, and compared the lowest to the highest-impact groups on this and other measures. Overall, diets in the lowest-impact group were healthier, but not on all measures. Diets in the highest-impact group accounted for five times the emissions of those in the lowest-impact group. The highest-impact diets had greater quantities of meat, dairy and solid fats per 1,000 calories than the low-impact diets. Overall, the high-impact diets were more concentrated in total proteins an...

Why Your Brain Makes You Crave Junk Food While On A Diet

Researchers find a way to switch off brain circuits that make people crave junk foods while on a diet Have you ever wondered why we crave the very foods that we try to avoid when dieting? Or wish there was a way to turn off the craving? Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston have identified new brain circuits that may act as a brake on binge eating and junk food craving. In rats who had spent a month eating a low-fat diet, researchers successfully inhibited the fatty food seeking behaviors. The findings are currently available in Behavioural Brain Research. “Craving for foods high in fat – this includes many junk foods – is an important part of obesity and binge eating,” said Jonathan Hommel, assistant professor in the department of pharmacology and toxicology. “When trying to lose weight people often strive to avoid fatty foods, which ironically increases motivation and craving for these foods and can lead to overeating. Even worse, the longer s...

Fat People Rolled Poor Genes, Concludes Largest-Ever Study

Body weight is “largely influenced” by genes, according to the largest-ever study of its kind. Researchers concluded that slim people won the genetic lottery, while obese people have the deck stacked against them from birth. The study by Cambridge University aimed to determine why some people manage to stay thin with little effort, while others gain weight easily despite similar lifestyles. Previous studies of twins have found that their differing body weight was largely influenced by their genes. It’s also been previously determined that genes can increase a person’s chance of being overweight, and in some people increases their chances of being obese from a young age. Participants gave saliva samples to enable DNA analysis and answered questions about their general health and lifestyle, in what is thought to be the only study of its kind in the world. The team then compared their findings with the DNA of 14,000 other volunteers, including 1,985 severly obese people and a fur...

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back - Get your ex back fast

Every single relationship is different. There’s not a single guide in this world that can magically help you get your ex back, mine included. I wasn’t watching every moment of your entire relationship, neither was anyone else. Only you know the answers as to what went wrong. It’s the cold hard truth, and being a man means being able to accept that. Even your guy friends, regardless of how close to you they are, can’t help you there. Talk to them for hours if you wish, they will never be the woman you dated. In reality, if you want your ex back it’s going to require one thing: Communication. It’s what helps both men and woman understand what they failed to change about themselves or their habits. Just like all relationships we have to make sacrifices from time to time, some of which we aren’t able to realize at first. The truth is, even the smallest of habits we see as no big deal, such as leaving a toilet seat down can drive a woman to want to run out the d...

How to Get Your Ex-boyfriend Back Really Fast - Get your ex back fast

Well, you can wipe those tears and put on a smile because we have a brilliant idea about how you can not only get your ex-boyfriend back quickly but one that will have you evaluating your relationship so that when and if he comes back, you will be able to deal with your emotions effectively. Step 1 Stop feeling sorry for yourself, especially if he or his friends can witness you pining over him. Crying is the last thing you want to do anyway – what you should be doing instead is using this time to craft your plan to get back your boyfriend. And make sure you are implementing patience! But how do you stop crying? Here’s a tip or two. Watch funny movies. Really, it works! Try it and see how long you can stay teary-eyed watching Adam Sandler or Chris Rock acting the fool on your TV screen. If funny movies aren’t your thing, then just watch a full comedy show of your choice. We guarantee you’d be cracking up and tearless by the first few minutes. Seriously, laughter is a good reme...

The MOST inspiring and motivating weight loss video

3 TOP weight loss programs for your reference. No. 1 - No Nonsense Ted But once you learn Ted's trick, you can instantly switch your body from “fat storage” mode into fat BURNING that you melt off pounds and stubborn flab, even while you sleep. * See more here No. 2- Red Tea Detox The Red Tea Detox is a brand-new cleansing program that detoxifies the body and sheds pounds quickly and safely. It allows almost anyone to lose 14lbs in just 14 days. * See more here No. 3 - The 2 Week Diet Being that The 2 Week Diet helps dieters lose weight in an even shorter amount of time, you can expect it to be even more successful than The 3 Week Diet. * See more here

Yeast Infection Knowledge - The Truth Behind Your Yeast Infection

CLICK HERE NOW Yeast Infection Knowledge - The Truth Behind Your Yeast Infection  Educating yourself about your candida infection is the first and most important step in curing this painful, annoying and relatively dangerous chronic condition and taking responsibility over your health and well-being.  Although yeast infection (known by the names of Candida, Monilia or Thrush) is in fact a very common condition, (as three out of four women develop it at some point in their lifetimes), it is little discussed. Most people regard candida infection as a superficial condition that should be treated with creams and antibiotics whereas few are aware of its potentially risky complications.  Yeast Infection is first and foremost an internal problem. Like most chronic conditions, there is never one cause for this fungal problem and thus yeast infection cannot be permanently eliminated using medications or creams that work superficially and fail to tackle the root factors that tr...

Treat Candida Yeast Infections Without Drugs, Creams or Typical Yeast Infection Treatments

Get It In: Yeast Infection No More is a clinically proven 5 step multi-dimensional Candida overgrowth healing system that has been polished and perfected over 12 years of research trial and error. It is a laser targeted combination of powerful series of protocols set in a unique order and timing aimed at eliminating Candida overgrowth, restoring your intestinal balance and thus helping you gain permanent freedom from all types of yeast infections in all levels of severity. You see, Candida overgrowth is a serious condition that can lead to dangerous health complications if left untreated. When Candida albicans shifts from non-pathogenic to pathogenic form, it produces root-like structures called rhizoids, that penetrate the intestinal walls and create holes in the walls of the intestines. This enables toxic waste, bacteria and undigested food to enter the blood stream causing many often dangerous conditions such as: leaky gut syndrome, severe rashes, bra...

She Effortlessly Lost 200 Pounds Without Dieting or Exercise and Amazed Doctor Oz

She Effortlessly Lost 200 Pounds Without Dieting or Exercise and Amazed Doctor Oz Available online for the first time – the scientifically proven weight loss breakthrough that’s 30x more effective than dieting and exercise  Imagine the scene for a moment. She stands up on the Dr Oz show and tells the audience she lost over 200 pounds without dieting, without exercise and it was effortless. It happened. And, how she did it was unlike any traditional diet or exercise program that requires massive willpower, commitment and sacrifice. Countless success stories just like this are backed up by real scientific evidence, and that’s causing people to sit up and take notice. So, who can benefit most from this revolutionary approach to weight loss? Read on . Does any of this sound familiar? You’re like thousands of people desperately trying to lose and maintain weight, you know just how challenging it can be. Maybe you just want to lose a few pounds, or your weight is causing ...

Can This Yale Neuroscientist Discovery Be THE KEY To Burning Off Stubborn Belly Fat--On Autopilot?

"Can This Yale Neuroscientist Discovery Be THE KEY To Burning Off Stubborn Belly Fat--On Autopilot?" A fully-guided Gastric Banding Hypnotherapy Program. Just pop in your ear-buds and the program does ALL the work for you. The fat just falls away over time without surgery… without huge expenses… and with absolutely no risk. Best of all, The Neuro-Slimmer System™ is guaranteed to work for you even if: You’d want to lose MORE than 30 pounds and finally get that slim, sexy figure, or… You’ve lost weight in the past, only to have it ‘boomerang’ back onto your body, or… You’ve always been overweight and struggle to lose anything, or… You find it hard to know when your body is telling you to stop eating... Well, that all ends now! Because The Neuro-Slimmer System™ is scientifically-backed, 100% safe and proven to work... even if everything else you’ve tried has failed. >>>> Product video details Inside The Neuro-Slimmer System™ you’ll get 5 pow...